Women on Stairs

Five Healthy Swaps That Will Upgrade Your Workday

You’ve been going through your days stressed and overworked. You wake up tired, and by the end of the workday, you’re completely spent.

Sound familiar?

You’re not alone. Too many of us go through our days feeling less than stellar. I don’t think that’s any way to live.

These five healthy swaps will help you upgrade your workday, renew your energy, and free you up to do more of what you love. Want to start feeling better now? Try one out!

First thing in the morning

Scrolling through social media in bed –> doing a 5-minute meditation in bed
Scrolling through social media, or checking your email for that matter, take your mental energy away from YOUR priorities for the day. You find yourself suddenly preoccupied with someone else’s life, needs or priorities (which is useful if you have a small child at home, but otherwise pretty unhelpful). Commit to starting the day focused on what’s important to you. It could be as simple as getting through your morning routine. I try to think about the top one or two things I want to accomplish during the day and visualize myself successfully executing on them.

Throughout the day

Checking your email constantly through the day –> setting 2-3 blocks of time when you read and respond to emails
As much as speedy email response times have become an accepted part of our work culture, the instant reply isn’t great for our productivity or our mental well-being. Instead of being spending the entire day on email, set blocks of time throughout your day when you’ll tackle your inbox and reply to colleagues. I like to set an hour at the top of the day, another when my focus lags in the middle of the afternoon, and a shorter period before I close down for the evening. Find the “schedule” that works for you.


Working through lunch, munching at your desk –> taking 20 minutes to walk away from your desk and eat your lunch
Working through lunch is bad for your physical health and it’s terrible for your focus. Instead, take just 20 minutes to walk away from your desk for lunch. Sit outside, in a breakroom, heck swap desks with a colleague if you have to! Paying attention to your food while you eat it helps your body to activate its digestion response and lowers your stress response, which allows you to get the most nutrients out of your food and avoid post-meal indigestion. It also gives your brain the mental break it needs to come back from your lunch break ready to tackle the afternoon. Seriously, it’s a win-win.


Coffee/sugary snack –> herbal tea, water or seltzer & a snack with protein
Caffeine is great, but for most of us, consuming it (or too much of it) in the afternoon can disrupt your sleep in the evening. Sugary snacks can be satisfying, but they spike your blood sugar, resulting in a quick “crash” which plummets your energy. That blood sugar spike/crash cycle also causes brain fog and activates your stress response, which are the last things you need in the middle of your workday. Instead, consume an herbal tea or something hydrating sans sugar and caffeine with a protein-filled snack. This will give you longer-lasting energy and clarity to close out the day.


Logging back into work before bed –> shut down any work at least an hour before bed.
If it’s helpful for your peace of mind, use this time to set your priorities for the next day. Write them down, then close up your work and put it away somewhere. I leave my computer in my backpack and put it by the door so it’s ready for the next day. This little ritual also signals to my brain that work is done for the day, so I can start to power down and have a restful night’s sleep.

What healthy swaps do you build into your days?