Tag: self care coach

  • Who to follow to make your feed more self-love friendly

    Who to follow to make your feed more self-love friendly

    Social media is much lamented for being destructive to our well-being – and with good reason. The comparison trap, the ease at which fake information can pass itself off as real, and the unrealistic expectations that curation and filters put on our lives can be detrimental. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. You…

  • Reframing Inconveniences: The Type A Guide to Coping When Things Go Awry

    Many of the inconveniences that contribute to chronic stress and frustration are caused by the little, everyday things. Not being able to find your keys/sunglasses/umbrella when you leave the house in the morning. Someone canceling a meeting at the last minute. Lunch spilling in your bag during the morning commute. Missing the bus or train.…

  • Introducing Opportunity Kitchen

    This business is the tiny voice in the back of mind that would not be silenced. It’s the passion project that’s been driving me forward since before even I knew what it was. It’s the perfect vessel to bring my particular skills, hard-earned knowledge, and enthusiasm together to do what it is I have always…