woman returning from vacation

How to recover when your vacation wasn’t relaxing

We’ve all been there. You come back to work after some time off and a colleague asks, “How was your trip?”

“It was great,” you reply, “but I need a vacation from my vacation!”

Time off is wonderful, but being thrown from your regular schedule can actually be taxing. Throw in the trials of travel, the challenge of chasing small children in a strange environment, close quarters with extended family members, jet lag, and you’ve got a recipe for exhaustion. Often, our vacations are anything BUT relaxing! Exhilarating, inspiring, FUN? Yes! Relaxing? Not so much.

What do you do when you return from a vacation feeling more exhausted than before you left? How can you get back into the swing of things? I’m so glad you asked.

Plan for it

Here’s the thing. If you’re anything like me, coming back from a vacation tired is an inevitability. I usually plan to come back with a day or two at home built in for recovery. For example, I’ll book my return flight on a Friday so I can bum around a bit on Saturday and Sunday and come back to work ready to rumble on Monday.

If you plan your trips further in advance, you also have time to alert your team at the office so that you can identify a strategy for coverage while you’re away. A successful coverage strategy could mean less catch up when you return to the office!

Communicate with your team

Make it a rule within your team that everyone’s first day back after a vacation is a “catch-up” day. Limit the number of meetings scheduled for that day. Ask team members write one-page updates for you or other staff members who’ve been out to get them up to speed. If you’re having trouble catching up, or feeling a bit of “vacation brain,” ask for help. I’m sure your colleagues would rather help you and get you back to 100% than not be bothered and find you operating a half-speed for the next month.

Take extra care

Travel takes a toll on our bodies. In addition, if you’re like me, you probably don’t eat the healthiest things while on vacation. When you return, drink LOTS of water and fill up on nutrient-dense foods. Commit to getting a good night’s sleep (at least 7 hours). If you can swing it, schedule a massage or a gentle yoga class.

(Side note: this is probably not a great week to dive headfirst into an intense exercise schedule. Ease into any new program and give yourself time to recover before stressing your body with tough workouts.)

Give yourself space

Try not to schedule a lot of “extracurriculars” the week you get back. If you can, opt for a low-key weekend following your first week back. If you find that you’re excited to dive into social life and aren’t dragging, go for it! But, by saving the space in your schedule, you’ll have room to Netflix and chill if you need it.



