Category: Real Life Stories

  • What does a healthy work environment actually look like?

    What does a healthy work environment actually look like?

    When you think of a healthy work environment, what do you picture? I’ve always imagined a fictionalized version of the Runner’s World magazine office. Happy employees high five each other as they head back into the office, slightly flushed from a post-lunch team run. The light and airy kitchen is full of fruits, vegetables, and…

  • Key Person Risk: What It Is, and How Minimizing It Can Improve Your Work/Life

    Something that’s well understood, and frankly easier to do, in large corporations, is the need to reduce your dependencies. Nonprofits and small businesses, while leaner and meaner in my personal (and right) opinion, tend to dive headfirst into dependence on a few key players. This is why transitions, and VACATIONS, are so much harder in…

  • What does it mean to be “mission-driven?”

    When I read Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist for the first time, it changed my life. Not because it revealed some deeply kept secret, but because it put into beautiful narrative what I had understood all along: that following one’s purpose is a worthy pursuit, but not necessarily a clear or easy one. Human beings are…

  • What the Heck is a B Corp?

    We’re breaking down the difference between B Corps, benefit corporations and social enterprises on the blog today. Who knew!?

  • Rockstar Series: Balancing Your Passions

    You know that someone in your life who makes you wonder, “How does she manage to get so much done!?” Today’s rockstar is one of those people in my world. Cee-Cee seems to be constantly on the move, working  hard, slaying goals & chasing her dreams. I’m delighted to introduce her to all of you…