Category: Confidence and Impact

  • Small Hinges Move Big Doors: Tiny Tweaks to Transform Your Work Life

    It sounds so simple, but when you think about it, doesn’t it also feel familiar? Most of us spend our work lives in a constant state of overwhelm. There will always be more work to do than there are hours in the week. We are expected (or expect ourselves) to be on and available all…

  • DYK? Water cooler chat can actually make you more productive.

    What are you doing this weekend? It’s a question you’ll likely hear from at least one coworker this Friday, and it could be good for your productivity. Water cooler chat, the universal phrase that refers to all manner of casual conversations between employees, is beneficial for your wellness at work.

  • If you suffer from Imposter Syndrome, you’re not alone

    Research also suggests that imposter syndrome is extremely common. The idea that the majority of us struggle with feelings that we are not worthy, don’t deserve, or just got lucky, in regards to our accomplishments is concerning, but not surprising. Consistent with many of the ails of contemporary life in the first world (#firstworldproblems), it…

  • The weird trick I’m using to banish self-doubt

    A few months ago, while going through some old paperwork, I came across an unopened envelope, addressed to me, in my own handwriting. (If your first thought was, “creepy,” you’re not alone. Alas, I did not time travel and leave myself a note.) After a quick wtf moment, context clues reminded me that I had…

  • If you’re a people pleaser, this post is for you

    At some point in your life, you are going to let someone down. Let that sink in for a minute. For many of us people pleasers, this prospect ranges from deeply uncomfortable to downright painful. We don’t want to let anyone down! We want to do our best and have only happy interactions with others.…

  • Four ways to effectively say “no” at work

    Saying “no” is one of the most powerful and underutilized resources in our working lives, and saying “no” effectively will make you more productive in the long run. However, if you are anything like me, you may find it really, really, realllllllly hard to just say “no.” To keep from drowning in a sea of…

  • Introducing Opportunity Kitchen

    This business is the tiny voice in the back of mind that would not be silenced. It’s the passion project that’s been driving me forward since before even I knew what it was. It’s the perfect vessel to bring my particular skills, hard-earned knowledge, and enthusiasm together to do what it is I have always…

  • Consulting for Nonprofits | Coaching for Individuals

    Welcome! I’m Aubrie, Chief Alchemist at Opportunity Kitchen. I’m here to help mission-driven organizations and individuals thrive. I offer a range of nonprofit consulting services, and coaching for individuals who want to create positive change in the world. If you need revenue strategies for your organization, or work/life/thrive strategies for your self, you’ve come to…

  • Scroll Happy: How to Avoid the Comparison Trap on Social Media

    We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, enjoying pictures of cute pets, friends, family, and beautifully plated meals, when it strikes. You catch a glimpse of someone’s epic globetrotting lifestyle, the obnoxiously happy couple, the parent with flawless style, the boss babe living her professional dreams, and fall deep into the comparison…